home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 poke53280,.:poke53281,.:gosub6000
- 11 print"[147]"chr$(142)" math puzzle"
- 12 print" [154]by kevin neelands "
- 13 print"[156] do you need instructions? (y/n)"
- 14 getr$:ifr$<>"y"andr$<>"n"then14
- 15 ifr$<>"y"then20
- 16 gosub700
- 17 print"[147]"chr$(142)" math puzzle"
- 18 print" [154]by kevin neelands "
- 20 dima(24),c(28,9):y=rnd(-t1)
- 21 m1$="your guess is correct "
- 22 m2$="your guess is incorrect[146]"
- 23 m4$=" .. please no spaces .."
- 24 m5$=" ** incorrect letter **"
- 25 m6$=" ** incorrect(= or n)**"
- 26 m7$=" ** input error **"
- 27 m8$=" "
- 30 gosub200 :rem initialize
- 35 print" "
- 40 gosub350 :rem display
- 50 gosub600 :rem check for finish
- 60 gosub400 :rem input
- 70 goto40 :rem do it again
- 200 rem initialize
- 201 print"[145]do you want two or three addends[153](2[153] or 3[153])"
- 202 gety$:ify$<>"2"andy$<>"3" then202
- 203 ym=val(y$)+3
- 205 print"[145][145][154] how many digits do you wish? ([154]4 - [154]8) "
- 206 getm$:ifm$<"4"orm$>"8" then 206
- 207 ifasc(m$)>56orasc(m$)<52thenprint"[145]";:goto205
- 209 m=val(m$):sc=0:e=0:print"[145][145][129] *** working *** "
- 210 forx=0to9:b(x)=x+65:a(x+10)=x+38:nextx
- 220 forx=9to0step-1:y=int(rnd(1)*x+0.5)
- 230 a(x)=b(y):b(y)=b(x):nextx
- 234 fory=0to9:forx= 1to10:c(x,y)=21:nextx:nexty
- 236 fory=0to9:forx=11to28:c(x,y)=20:nextx:nexty
- 238 fory=0to9:c(0,y)=10:nexty
- 239 fory=2toym:c(0,y)=28:nexty
- 240 a(20)=32:a(21)=asc("?"):a(22)=asc("*"):a(23)=asc("[215]"):c(20+m,2)=0:a(24)=43
- 250 forx=20+mto21step-1:c(x,3)=int(rnd(1)*10):c(x,4)=int(rnd(1)*10)
- 260 d=c(x,2)+c(x,3)+c(x,4)
- 265 ifym=6thenc(x,5)=int(rnd(1)*10):d=d+c(x,5)
- 266 ifd>19thenc(x-1,2)=2:c(x,ym)=d-20:nextx:goto294
- 270 ifd>9thenc(x-1,2)=1:c(x,ym)=d-10:nextx:goto294
- 280 c(x-1,2)=0:c(x,ym)=d:nextx
- 294 c(20,3)=20:c(20,ym-1)=24:c(20,ym)=c(20,2):c(20+m,2)=20
- 295 print"[145][145][156] would you like the expert level (y/n)"
- 296 getrg$:ifrg$=""then296
- 298 ifrg$="y"thenforx=20to28:c(x,2)=20:nextx
- 300 printchr$(147);" ":return
- 350 print" [154]press return [154]alone to exit"
- 351 print" math puzzle"
- 352 print" [154] by kevin neelands
- 353 [153]"sys" m3$
- 354 [153]" "
- 355 [153]" contabcdefghij scoresys";sc""
- 360 [129]y[178]0[164]9:d$[178]"cont"[170][196](y)[170]"open ": [129]x[178]1[164]c(0,y)
- 370 d$[178]d$[170][199](a(c(x,y))):[130]x:[153]d$
- 380 [130]y:[153]" ":[142]
- 400 [143] input
- 410 [153]"forplease enter your guess print#: ";:e[178]0
- 411 [129]x[178]1[164]14:[153][199](20);:[130]x
- 415 [141]8000:g$[178]a$:[153]" "
- 420 l$[178][200](g$,1):e$[178][202](g$,2,1):n$[178][201](g$,1)
- 425 [129]x[178]1[164][195](g$):[139][202](g$,x,1)[178]" "[167]m3$[178]m4$:[141]350:e[178]1
- 426 [130]x:[139]e[178]1[167]410
- 430 [139][198](l$)[177]74[176][198](l$)[179]65[167]m3$[178]m5$:[141]350:[137]410
- 440 [139]e$[179][177]"="[175]e$[179][177]"n"[167]m3$[178]m6$:[141]350:[137]410
- 450 [129]x[178]3[164][195](g$)
- 452 [139][198]([202](g$,x,1))[177]57[176][198]([202](g$,x,1))[179]48[167]m3$[178]m7$:[141]350:e[178]1
- 454 [130]x:[139]e[178]1[167]410
- 460 n[178][197](n$):l[178][198](l$)[171]64:m3$[178]m1$
- 470 [139](c(l,n)[178]22)[176](c(l,n)[178]23)[167]m3$[178]m8$:[137]541
- 480 [139](a(n)[178]l[170]64)[167]495
- 485 [139]e$[178]"n"[167]sc[178]sc[170]1:c(l,n)[178]22:[153][199](19):[153]"sys"m3$:[137]540
- 490 c(l,n)[178]22:[153][199](19):m3$[178]m2$:[153]"sys"m3$:[137]540
- 495 [139]e$[178]"="[167][153][199](19):[153]"sys"m1$:[137]500
- 496 [153][199](19):m3$[178]m2$:[153]"sys"m3$
- 500 [129]y[178]0[164]9:[139]c(l,y)[179][177]22[167][139]e$[178]"="[167]sc[178]sc[170]1
- 510 c(l,y)[178]22:[130]y
- 520 [129]x[178]1[164]10:[139]c(x,n)[179][177]22[167][139]e$[178]"="[167]sc[178]sc[170]1
- 530 c(x,n)[178]22:[130]x:c(l,n)[178]23
- 540 [139]a(n)[178]l[170]64[167]a(n)[178]n[170]48
- 541 [139][195](g$)[177]3[167]g$[178][200](g$,[195](g$)[171]1):n$[178][201](g$,1):[137]460
- 545 [142]
- 600 [143] check for alllthru
- 610 [129]x[178]21[164]20[170]m:[129]y[178]2[164]ym
- 620 [139]a(c(x,y))[177]57[167][142]
- 630 [130]y:[130]x
- 640 [129]x[178]1[164]10:[129]y[178]0[164]9
- 650 [139]c(x,y)[178]21[167]sc[178]sc[170]1
- 660 [130]y:[130]x
- 666 [141]350
- 670 [153]"clr do you wish to play again? (y/n) "
- 671 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167]671
- 672 [139]a$[178]"n"[167]680
- 673 [139]a$[178]"y"[167]675
- 674 [137] 671
- 675 m3$[178]m8$:[137]30
- 680 [153]"on do you wish to quit? (y/n) "
- 681 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]"y"[167]690
- 682 [139]a$[178]"n"[167][153]"on";:[137]670
- 683 [137] 681
- 684 :
- 685 [143] is loadstar there? if so loadit
- 686 :
- 690 [159]15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":[132]15,er:[160]15
- 691 [139]er[179][177]63 [167][153]"load":[128]
- 695 [147] "hello connect",8,1
- 696 :
- 697 :
- 698 :
- 699 :
- 700 in$[178]"loadinstructionscont"[170][199](13)
- 710 [153]in$"cont this program provides you with puzzles"
- 720 [153]"that consist of addition problems that"
- 725 [153]"have been coded by randomly substit-"
- 730 [153]"uting the digits with the letters a-j"
- 735 [153]"in a consistent manner. ":[153]"for example-":[153]" "
- 740 [153]" 0100 jgjj"
- 745 [153]" 1634 -> gfch"
- 750 [153]" +4552 +hiid"
- 755 [153]" 06786 jfabf"
- 760 [153]" ":[153]"is one possible puzzle."
- 762 [153]"you would be given the puzzle on the"
- 763 [153]"right and have to decode it to the"
- 764 [153]"problem on the left."
- 765 [153]"note that all 'carried digits' are"
- 766 [153]"shown (the 1's and 0's in the top row)"
- 770 [153]"press any key when ready to continue"
- 771 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167]771
- 780 [153]in$"cont you can make guesses two ways:"
- 790 [153]" aprint#)cont equal guesses, such as f=2 "
- 800 [153]" (f is equal to 2)"
- 810 [153]" bprint#)cont not equal guesses, such as an1"
- 820 [153]" or cn1357, meaning a is not 1"
- 830 [153]" and c is not 1,3,5 or 7,"
- 840 [153]" respectively. n means not equal"
- 850 [153]"note that your guess should have no "
- 855 [153]"spaces and if you use a not equal guess"
- 860 [153]"you may guess that the letter is not"
- 870 [153]"equal to a series of numbers"
- 880 [153]"press any key when ready to continue"
- 881 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167] 881
- 890 [153]in$"cont most of your guesses will probaly be"
- 900 [153]"of the not equal type, so to help you"
- 910 [153]"keep track of the possible values for"
- 920 [153]"each letter a 'possibility grid' will"
- 930 [153]"be shown on the screen. its columns "
- 940 [153]"will correspond to letters and its"
- 950 [153]"rows will correspond to numbers. the"
- 960 [153]"grid will be filled with these symbols:"
- 970 [153]" ?cont question marks indicate that the"
- 980 [153]" letter is unknown. it may or "
- 990 [153]" may not be equal to the
- 1000 print" corresponding number."
- 1010 :
- 1020 print" *[154] this means the letter on this"
- 1030 print" column is not equal to the number"
- 1040 print" on this row"
- 1050 print" [215][154] this means this letter is equal to"
- 1060 print" this number, and has been replaced"
- 1070 print" by it in the problem"
- 1080 print" ":print"press any key when ready to continue"
- 1081 geta$:ifa$=""then1081
- 1090 printin$"are you a little confused? my advice"
- 1100 print"is to play a couple of practice rounds"
- 1110 print"and it will all make sense"
- 1120 print"when the game starts you will be given"
- 1130 print"choices as to the number of addends"
- 1140 print"to be added, the number of digits in"
- 1150 print"each addend, and whether or not you"
- 1160 print"want the expert level. if you choose"
- 1170 print"the expert level the carried digits "
- 1180 print"will not be shown and the puzzle will"
- 1190 print"be harder"
- 1191 print"you can also quit by pressing return"
- 1192 print"alone at the guess prompt."
- 1200 print"by the way-perfect score is 100."
- 1210 print"press any key when ready to continue"
- 1220 geta$:ifa$=""then1220
- 1222 print"[147]":return
- 6000 :
- 6010 print"[147]"
- 6020 print" [158]L O A D S T A R"
- 6030 print" [152][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]"
- 6040 print
- 6050 print" [154]Presents"
- 6060 print
- 6070 print
- 6080 print" [159]M A[160]T H P U Z Z L E"
- 6090 print
- 6100 print" [176]{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}[174]"
- 6110 print" {$7d} {$7d}"
- 6120 print" {$7d} 2 B {$7d}"
- 6130 print" {$7d} +4 = +D {$7d}"
- 6140 print" {$7d} {$60}{$60}{$60} {$60}{$60}{$60} {$7d}"
- 6150 print" {$7d} 6 F {$7d}"
- 6160 print" {$7d} {$7d}"
- 6170 print" [173]{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}[189]"
- 6180 print
- 6190 print" Written By [153]Kevin Neelands"
- 6200 print
- 6210 print" Copyright [129]1987"
- 6220 print" [152][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]"
- 6230 print
- 6240 print" [154]Press SPACE To Continue"
- 6250 print"";
- 6255 geta$:ifa$<>" "then6255
- 6256 return
- 8000 a$="":print"[164][157]";:forx=1to25
- 8010 getb$:ifb$=""then8010
- 8015 ifb$=chr$(20)andx>1 then x=x-1:printb$;"[164][157]";:a$=left$(a$,x-1):goto8010
- 8020 ifb$=chr$(20) then 8010
- 8022 ifb$=chr$(13)andx=1 then 8100
- 8025 ifb$=chr$(13)thenprint" ":return
- 8030 ifx>14 then 8010
- 8035 ifb$>"[218]"orb$<" " then8010
- 8036 ifb$>"z"andb$<"[193]" then 8010
- 8040 a$=a$+b$:printb$;"[164][157]";:next
- 8100 print:print"[145][158] do you wish to quit? (y/n) "
- 8105 getb$:ifb$=""then8105
- 8110 ifb$="y"orb$="[217]"then690
- 8120 ifb$="[206]"orb$="n"thenprint"[145]";:goto 410
- 8130 goto 8105